Wednesday 16 October 2013

HEALTH NEWS: Must you continue to smoke until something goes wrong? Absolutely not!!!

An average smoker looses no less than 10 years of life due to smoking habits; a recent study revealed. To arrive at such conclusion the researchers studied cases of two hundred thousand Australian people. Even more disheartening was the finding that over two third of smokers die owing to their habits of regular smoking. The estimate far exceeded to earlier assessment that put it to around 50%.

"We all know that smoking is bad for your health. But until now we haven't had direct large-scale evidence from Australia about just how bad it is," says Professor Emily Banks, leader of the study. She also pointed out that to reach at the final estimation they are also studying information from other countries.

The study also revealed that cigarette smoking increased the instances of death quite considerably. Even smoking ten cigarettes a day could be fatal. However quitting smoking at any age will reduce the risk considerably, Banks says.

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