Friday 27 December 2013

HEALTH GOSSIP: Man with worst case of Neurofibromatosis ever undergoes Surgery..!!

As a Clinical Med. Student, I have seen a number of 'NFs'.. But this case is really the worst one can ever see. It brings to mind a character in the movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean'.*apologies* Please read on to know what finally happened to him... And don't forget to leave your comments or questions..

A Chinese man has undergone surgery to remove a 3.3lb (1.5kg) tumour from his face.

Huang Chuncai, 37, from Hunan province, has been dubbed 'China's Elephant Man'. He suffers from an extreme case of neurofibromatosis, which has caused large tumours on his face that have completely distorted his features.

Neurofibromatosis is the name for a number of genetic conditions that cause swellings or lumps.

Although many people who have the condition inherit it from one of their parents, up to 50 per cent develop it randomly from a gene mutation before they are born.

He is said to have the world's worst recorded case of the condition.

On Wednesday he underwent another round of surgery at a hospital in Guangzhou to remove the tumour from his left cheek.

The operation was successful and he will now have two more to try and get his condition under control. 

Am indeed happy for HIM...

Keep staying Healthy, Informed and Entertained..!!

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