Friday, 27 March 2015

(MUST READ) The Man Who Paints With His Manhood..!

You won't believe this artist creates portraits of notable figures like President Obama using his
penis as a paint brush.

Brent Ray Fraser began imprinting his penis and testicles on canvas in 2009, and has built up quite a gay following, but says he is “artsexual”, and has never had sex with a man.

The artist says there are advantages to using both his erect and his flaccid penis, and that he is careful to use acrylic water-based paint to ensure he doesn’t get poisoned through absorption through the skin. He further explains how he uses it as a brush and swoosh it around during his creations...

When not using the tip of his dong, he also makes prints with his equally vast scrotum, which look strangely like elephants' footprints...

Fraser said a doctor told him he ” that smoking cigarettes is more harmful than putting paint  on your penis..

To finish his works, Fraser masturbates and ejaculates on them, “signing them with his DNA”, he says.
From a medical stand point, the amount toxic substance he is exposing himself to is way too much. For example, he is at risk of lead poisoning(aka plumbism, painter's colic). Lead interferes with a variety of body processes and is toxic to many organs and tissues including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive and nervous systems(lead encephalopthy).

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