As much as many girls/ladies find wearing G-string very s*xy, according to a new report on COMPLETEHEALTH.com, wearing G-string all the time is not really good for your health and they stated
clearly what you might suffer from as a result of excessive wearing of G-string(Gs).
It's been reported collectively and categorically quoting some gynecologists, that 'Gs' can cause health problems in those that wear it regularly. The health issues start from urinary tract and vaginal
infections. G-strings irritate and inflame the area around the Bartholin's glands, which produce lubricant during intercourse.
They asserted that if the ducts that lead to the glands get blocked, one could also develop a cyst next to one's vagina. Simply put, Gs irritate the vagina and not allowing it enough air space which obviously reveals the harmful nature of the string.
Dr Thomas Gent of the Association of Gynecologists once urged females to wear bigger pants to avoid complications of health issues. Yet there is extreme negligence on these facts. Sometimes, girls complain about certain reactions around their private parts, they don't remember these warnings.
G-string pants have led to a big rise in the number of patients seen reporting genital inflammation. This happens when the g-string's rope scrapes and injures the sensitive skin around the genital area – it often occurs especially if they are too tight or made with badly stitched material.
According to ehow.com, G-string have the capacity of increasing the chances of getting a yeast infection because of extra moisture built up from the tight fit.
A manufacturer of a medication used for the treatment of yeast infections, Vagisil, affirmed that G-string ought to be avoided because it causes yeast infections.
Wearing a G-string in cold weather can cause your buttocks to become extremely cold. Splitting your pants is an embarrassing moment that can be made
worse if you are wearing a G. This might be something to consider if you are going out in a tight- fitting pair of pants.
So there you have it... The Ball is in your court Ladies...
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Keep staying Healthy, Informed and Entertained..!!
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